KL and BK Kosanke Abstract: The complete set of lecture slides for the Kosanke Firework Display Practices lecture course Ref: JPyro 2022 (D)
Lecture Notes for Pyrotechnic Chemistry
K. L. & B.J. Kosanke Abstract: The complete set of lecture notes for the Kosanke Pyrotechnic Chemistry course Ref: JPyro 2022 (B)
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Pyrotechnics
KL and BK Kosanke Abstract: The complete electronic version of the Encyclodopedic Dictionary of Pyrotechnics and related subjects Ref: JPyro 2022 (C)
A New Aerial Shell Ballistic Model Experimentally Verified
L. Weinman, K. L. & B.J. Kosanke and J Widmann Abstract: The authors present models that predict fireworks shell trajectories and validate them with experimental data. Ref: JPyro 2022 (A)
Some Factors Affecting the Performance of a Class of Ammonium Perchlorate-Based Pyrotechnic Strobe Compositions
Richard Harrison Abstract: Despite well over a century of research, which has seen the development of many effective pyrotechnic strobe compositions, there is as yet very little understanding of the strobe mechanism. In the past, theoretical models have been developed, but are here shown to be unable to explain many of the observed characteristics. Factors …
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Development and Qualification Testing of Pyro-cartridge for Signal Cartridge Applications
Bhupesh A. Parate Abstract: This research work describes the development and qualification aspects of a pyro-cartridge device for signalling cartridge applications in an emergency, as required by military aircraft. Rapid and effective burning of illuminating composition plays a crucial role in military applications. For initiation of illuminating cartridge, a pyro-cartridge is used. A pyro-cartridge consists …
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A Thermal Study of Mixtures of Micron-sized Copper (II) Oxide, Aluminum and Magnalium
Richard Harrison Abstract: The reaction temperature in ignited samples of thermite compositions containing CuO and varying proportions of aluminum and magnalium was monitored at 1ms intervals by means of small embedded thermocouples. Analysis of the temperature profiles reveals that, in all cases, an exothermic minimum in the region of 950 K provides a significant contribution …
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ISEM 2021
The details of the upcoming international symposium on energetic materials, ISEM2021, in Tokyo, Japan, have just been published. http://www.jes.or.jp/isem/2020/
An investigation into the sensitivity of commonly used electric igniters
Tom Smith, Avril DiPalma, Gabrielle DiPalma and Lincoln Parkhouse Abstract: A variety of commercially available and commonly used electric igniters were tested for sensitivity to shearing, crushing and static stimuli in an attempt to reproduce “real world” usage of igniters and to determine which igniters were more or less sensitive to the various stimuli used. The apparatus …
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Investigations on aerosol emissions of pyrotechnic smoke generators
Jörg Dengel, Christian Lohrer, Felix Stein, and John Perriam Abstract: Pyrotechnic smoke generators fall under the Directive 2013/29/EU in Europe and could potentially belong to all categories except consumer fireworks. These types are especially present in the field of “Other Pyrotechnic Articles” of the categories P1 and P2, e.g. as simulation devices for paintball or …
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