Welcome the Journal of Pyrotechnics Archive
From 5th November 2021 we have changed the way the site works, and the way new articles need to be submitted
For users:-
Access to all articles will be free – you will no longer need a subscription to access articles or supplementary materials. In essence this become complete “FREE access” and enables the widest dissemination of information without the need for complex processing by us. Copyright remains with the Journal of Pyrotechnics and the relevant authors however and you may not distribute articles outside your immediate organisation.
Please do register and logon before downloading articles
For authors:-
We will require you to submit articles using our template – JPyro Template 2025
Articles NOT submitted using the template will be rejected.
We will still peer review all articles – and provide one of three answers to you:-
- The article is not suitable for publication
- The article is suitable for publication but will need additional work before it is published
- The article is suitable for publication and we will publish is as soon as possible
Please contact us for further instructions for authors
We are in the process of migrating all the papers to the new system – please bear with us. If there are specific articles you need before the new system is fully operational contact us and we will do what we can to assist
We hope you will enjoy using the Journal of Pyrotechnics archive and will continue to contribute to this unique source of information for the pyrotechnics industry.